Our always-on society demands connectivity and a seamless experience. Where IoT and digital twins were once only for manufacturing, enterprises and municipalities now recognize their future lies in connected devices, digital engagement and AI-fueled personalization.
From smart cities and factories to smart campuses and healthcare, IoT and digital twins improve organizations’ ability to monitor, refine and transform their operations and customer experience. These technologies, coupled with AI, provide a strong foundation to design, develop and deploy the products and services of tomorrow.
Digital twins account for thousands of external variables to predict things like total addressable market, target customers and market share. With these insights, companies can better understand the business implications of potential expansion strategies and make more-informed decisions.
Concurrently, AI-powered costing helps enterprises to accurately estimate the true expense of major investments and optimize costs with models that improve their visibility into the most effective paths forward for their business. Digital twins and IoT can also de-risk day-to-day operations and longer-term investment decisions.