The media and entertainment industry has transformed the world’s expectations for multimedia and reimagined how we produce and consume content. Alongside these leaps in technology has come an enormous challenge: to effectively catalog, manage and access huge volumes of media assets. With AI and the cloud, industry leaders can overcome this hurdle and thrive.
Sand Technologies is proud to join the Nomad Media booth at NAB Show 2024 to show how this outcome is possible. Nomad Media, AWS and Sand Technologies together provide the platform, power and people to help the media and entertainment industry leverage GenAI to catalog, find, search and discover their assets.
Join our media and entertainment team in booth W1359 to see real-life examples, not unproven use cases, of industry leaders using AI to maximize their productivity, simplify their lives and increase their ROI. Stop by the booth to experience the impact AI has on asset management across the media and entertainment landscape. See you in Vegas!